Elien Neimeijer

106 Table 2. Likelihood Ratio Tests of Multilevel Models for Atmosphere. Discussion The aim of the present study was to examine the associations between group climate, as perceived by individuals with MID-BIF, and work climate, as experienced by their soci- otherapists , in a secure forensic setting. It was hypothesised that when sociotherapists report a low workload, a positive work environment, high job satisfaction, shared vision, and transformational or transactional leadership they would experience more positive team functioning and clients would experience a more therapeutic group climate. On the other hand, it was expected that a high workload, a negative work environment, low job satisfaction, no shared vision, and laissez-faire leadership would be related to nega- tive team functioning, and negative team functioning would lead to more experienced repression. This study only confirmed some of the hypotheses. When sociotherapists experience more job satisfaction, they experience less negative team functioning. Also, when sociotherapists experience more positive team functioning, less repression was perceived by clients. Perceived workload and negative team functioning by sociother- apists are related to less experienced possibilities for growth by clients. No significant associations were found between the other work climate and group climate dimensions. The associations between team functioning, growth and repression are in line with the ecological theory of Bronfenbrenner (1979) in which the interactions between sociother- apists and clients and between clients themselves in the microsystem are being influ- enced by surrounding systems such as team functioning which is part of the mesosystem. -239.81 -237.71 -237.34 -236.38 3 6 9 13 Intercept-only Level-1 predictors Level-2 predictors: group characteristics Level-2 predictors: work climate LogLik df Model χ 2 df difference p 4.207 0.732 1.933 3 3 4 .234 .866 .748