Elien Neimeijer

129 right direction. But these programmes achieve little unless converted into tailor-made programmes that can be flexibly adapted to meet the needs of the organisation and/ or professionals. From an organisational perspective, it is therefore recommended to invest in the knowledge, skills and attitude of sociotherapists with regard to identifying, interpreting and intervening on the living group. Chapter 4 contributes by providing a framework to ‘fine-tune’ group climate on five dimensions. Training sociotherapists to be sensitive to interpret ambiguous signals on these dimensions can contribute to op- timizing the group climate in a way that acknowledges the unique person in his or her specific context, which is in line with the broader trend of person-centered care in which the ‘one size fits not all’ principle applies (chapter 4; Håkansson Eklund et al., 2019). Implications for future research Overall, based on results presented in this dissertation it can be concluded – albeit with caution – that work climate and group climate are associated. Further research should explore the nature and mechanisms of these associations in greater detail. With the cur- rent cross-sectional study design, it was not possible to establish directions for the report- ed associations in chapter 5. Theoretically, it is plausible that each of these associations have bidirectional effects. For instance, team functioning as perceived by sociotherapists may affect group climate as experienced by individuals with MID-BIF, but group climate may also affect team functioning. A longitudinal design would be required to determine the possible (causal) directions of associations between work climate and group climate. This is also more in line with the idea that work climate and group climate are dynamic concepts that change over time and require multiple measures. Furthermore, follow-up research must show to what extent the five overarching dimensions as described in chap- ter 4 are specific for clients with MID-BIF, or whether these dimensions are also present to a greater or lesser extent in forensic care for persons with a MID-BIF in general and/ or other target groups in other care settings. Strengths and limitations This section highlights a number of strengths and offers critical remarks concerning the studies reported in this dissertation. One of the strengths is that group climate was stud-