Elien Neimeijer

18 sexual offenses) and/or internalizing problems (e.g., self-injurious behaviour or suicide attempts), located in the northern and eastern part of the Netherlands. The findings of this thesis may contribute to establish guidelines for daily practice to enhance the pro- vision of support and treatment of individuals with MID-BIF in secure forensic care, and provide suggestions for future research. Chapter 2 describes the validation and the psychometric properties of the Group Climate Instrument (GCI), which is a self-report measure adapted for individuals with MID-BIF. Secure (forensic) settings can use this questionnaire to assess group climate as perceived by individuals with MID-BIF. The following cross-sectional studies and qualitative study presented in this thesis should be considered as first step in research on (the effects of ) group climate for individuals with MID-BIF. Chapter 3 involves the results of a multilevel analysis with regard to the asso- ciations between group climate, aggressive incidents, and coercive measures in individ- uals with MID-BIF of a secure forensic setting. Chapter 4 presents the results of a quali- tative study and provides an in-depth account of how individuals with MID-BIF perceive their group climate in a secure forensic setting. This study was aimed at providing a framework on group climate from the perspective of individuals with MID-BIF. Giving voice to these individuals may provide relevant insights for secure forensic settings. In chapter 5 , a study is presented into the associations between group climate as perceived by individuals with MID-BIF and work climate as experienced by sociotherapists in a se- cure forensic setting. By means of structural equation modelling and multilevel analyses it was explored what factors in the work climate were associated with the group climate. Finally, chapter 6 provides an overall conclusion of the thesis and a reflection on the main findings and in which the perspectives of individuals with MID-BIF, profes- sionals and science are integrated. Suggestions for future research and implications for secure forensic treatment for individuals with MID-BIF are discussed. Additionally, the strengths and limitations of the thesis are mentioned.