Elien Neimeijer

27 ticipants concerning data collection, study aims and objectives. All participants and their legal guardians were informed that the research was strictly confidential and anonymous, data were only reported on a ward-level and – upon approval – signed an informed consent form. In addition the multidisciplinary treatment team determined whether a participant was able to give informed consent tot participate. The active consent method was used, explicit consent was given by all of the participants. Questionnaires were given a code to guarantee anonymity of the participants. The names of participating partici- pants were replaced by a code to ensure privacy. Students of Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and (assistant) researchers of Trajectum were trained to conduct the questionnaire and signed a written statement of confidentiality. Most participants were assisted to complete the questionnaire by a student or (assistant) researcher who read the questions and answering categories out loud and explained the questions to the participant if necessary. Alternative scripted phrases to enable questions to be explained in a different way were part of the training they received. If used, this would provide an additional way of checking participants’ un- derstanding whilst preventing students and researchers from projecting their interpre- tation of the questions on to participants. The completed questionnaires were returned to the researcher (first author), after which the scores were entered into SPSS version 24 (IBM, SPSS Statistics) for analyses. Data on participant and context characteristics (gender, age, IQ, security level, legal status) were extracted from the records of the par- ticipants and added to the SPSS database. Group Climate Instrument The quality of the group climate was measured with the revised Group Climate Instru- ment (GCI) which was adapted for individuals with MID-BIF by using simpler wording compared to the original version (PGCI; Van der Helm et al., 2011). The original version was reviewed for clarity, comprehensiveness, understanding, sensitivity, and practical rel- evance during a brainstorm session with 10 young adults with MID-BIF and a researcher. Based on this review the questionnaire was shortened (from 36 items to 29 items) and items were reformulated/ simplified. (e.g., ‘Sociotherapists listen to my opinion’ instead of ‘Sociotherapists pay attention to me and respect my feelings’ or ‘Sociotherapists help me when I ask them to’ instead of ‘When I have a problem, there is somebody I can turn to’). This resulted in a revised 29-item questionnaire.