Elien Neimeijer

59 Discussion In the present study, the relation between group climate as perceived by individuals with MID-BIF staying in a secure forensic setting, aggressive incidents, and use of coercive measures on the living group was examined. First, our results support the hypothesised negative relation between the quality of group climate and aggressive incidents. Also, the number aggressive incidents was positively related to coercive measures, and proved to be a mediator of the relation between quality of group climate and coercive measures. Participants’ perceptions of an open and therapeutic group climate were associated with lower numbers of aggressive incidents, and institutional repression was associated with more aggressive incidents. Although the conclusions regarding the relation between group climate and aggressive incidents generally are in line with those of earlier stud- ies (De Decker et al., 2018; Heynen et al., 2017; Ros et al., 2013; Van den Tillaart et al., 2018; Van der Helm et al., 2012), some findings of the present study are inconsistent with earlier studies. The reason for these inconsistencies might be that studies were con- ducted in different settings, with different populations, and used different group climate Aggressive incidents Coercive measures Group climate e3 e4 R2 = .67 R2 = .30 .82 (ns) -.82** -.54 (ns) Support Growth Repression Atmosphere .98*** .96*** .88*** .72**