Elien Neimeijer

94 example of exosystem is the prevailing organisational culture and leadership. Factors in the meso- and exosystem together determine the quality of the work climate as perceived by sociotherapists. To maintain the balance between reducing risks on one hand and sensitivity and re- sponsivity on the other hand, positive team functioning is considered important. Positive team functioning can be described as team members listening to each other, having a clear communication style, giving and receiving feedback, negotiating difficult choices, resolving conflicts and investing in adequate support, expertise and evaluation of and subsequently monitoring the results of the treatment programs (Knight & Eisenkraft, 2015; Knotter et al., 2018; Van der Helm, Boekee, Stams, & Van der Laan, 2011). Team functioning is influenced by the way sociotherapists perceive their own functioning, their wellbeing and job satisfaction (Van Gink et al., 2018). Team functioning in secure forensic settings is often unstable. It is constantly affected by contextual factors, including chal- lenging behaviour of clients or dynamics at the living group (clients with severe behaviour- al or mental health problems living together), dynamics of the team (for instance, feelings of unsafety among team members and low job satisfaction), absenteeism and turnover among staff (both team members and managers), and organisational factors such as vi- sion, policy and housing (Knotter et al., 2018). For sociotherapists, who are confronted daily with challenging behaviour (which may evoke negative emotional reactions such as sadness, fear, anger and frustration), experiences positive team functioning, together with inspiring, active and coaching leadership, is as important for personal well-being and professional functioning (Deveau & McGill, 2016, 2019; Lambert et al., 2015). Another work climate factor that may influence group climate is workload. The higher the workload and the more demanding the target group, the greater the need for emotional support for sociotherapists (Buljac-Samardžić, 2012). The need for emotional support is not only about support among team members, but also about the perceived support from a team manager and the organisation (Deveau & McGill, 2016; 2019). Re- search suggests that transformational and empowerment leadership has a positive im- pact on team functioning (Bass & Bass, 2009; Stewart, 2006). If a team manager shows empathy, expresses confidence and offers help, stressors for a team can decrease, which can improve team functioning and team performance (Buljac-Samardžić, 2012; Nijman & Gelissen, 2011). To improve group climate in residential settings, organisations often decide to invest in team functioning by means of coaching or training (Knotter et al., 2018). The ration-