
72 Chapter 4 Table 1. Content covered in Dutch DA Step 1: Introduction What is prostate cancer? What do PSA and Gleason mean? How does prostate cancer progresses? What is the effect on my life expectancy? Step 2: Curative treatment versus active surveillance What is active surveillance? What treatments are there? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? What are the risks? What is the chance of a rising PSA? What is the risk of dying from prostate cancer? Step 3: Surgery versus radiotherapy What is the procedure for surgery? What is the procedure for radiation therapy? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? What is the risk for erectile dysfunction? What is the risk for bladder dysfunction? What is the risk for bowel problems? How do I know if treatment was successful? What if the cancer progresses or treatment is not successful? DA step 4: Summary An overviewof howmany topics have been read and the responses toVCEs are provided in a printable summary at the end of the DA (figure 2). This summary can be taken by the patient to the next consultation with the clinician in order to further facilitate shared decision-making. Alternatively, the summery can be accessed online during consultation.