Rick Schreurs
108 Chapter 6 METHODS Animal experiments Animal handling was performed according to the Dutch Law on Animal Experimentation and the European Directive for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purpose. The protocol was approved by the Animal Experimental Committee of Maastricht University. The animal experimental methodology has been partially published elsewhere [18]. In short, 6 adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized using midazolam (0,25mg/kg/h) and sufentanyl (3µg/kg/h) and a complete AV-block was induced by radiofrequency ablation. The dogs received pacing electrodes in the right atrium (A), RV apex and epicardially on the basal posterolateral wall via a left-sided thoracotomy. Measurements were performed 12-21 weeks after inducing the AV-block using an external custom-built pacing system. RV-only pacing with an A to RV (A-RV) pacing delay of 125ms was used as the baseline pacing setting, mimicking the activation pattern as seen in LBBB. The A-RV and A to LV (A-LV) delays were then programmed individually, ranging from 50 to 230ms in steps of 20ms, resulting in 100 possible combinations ( Figure 1A ). Pacing delay settings were assigned in a random order and baseline recordings were repeated after every 5 th setting. During each setting, continuous, invasive hemodynamic and electrocardiographic measurements were performed ( Figure 1B ). 7F catheter-tip manometers were used for LV and RV pressure measurement. Epicardial electrograms of the LV free wall (LVFW) and RV free wall (RVFW) were recorded from 2 multielectrode custom-made bands holding 102 contact electrodes. Septal endocardial electrograms were recorded from two multielectrode catheters with 7 contact electrodes on the RV septum and 3 on the LV septum. Measurements were recorded for a minimum of two respiratory cycles at each pacing delay setting. Data analysis Local electrical activation times were determined as the duration between the atrial pace and the timepoint of steepest negative deflection of the electrogram using custom software ( Figure 1B, green line in local EGM’s). For quantification of intraventricular electrical dyssynchrony we calculated total activation time as the difference between earliest and latest activation time of the RVFW (RV TAT) and of the whole LV (LV TAT). The latter was calculated from the combination of epicardial LVFW and endocardial septal electrodes. To quantify electrical interventricular dyssynchrony we used the ventricular electrical uncoupling (VEU) index. VEU was defined as the difference between mean LVFW and mean RVFW activation times [19].
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