Rick Schreurs

CHAPTER 1 General introduction 7
CHAPTER 2 Exploring the electrophysiological and hemodynamic effects of cardiac resynchronization therapy. From bench to bedside and vice versa 21
CHAPTER 3 Atrioventricular dromotropathy as substrate for successful pacing therapy in heart failure patients: a combined computational-experimental-clinical study 37
CHAPTER 4 Effective mechanical atrioventricular delay covers the impact of various pacing modes on cardiac pump function 61
CHAPTER 5 Pathophysiological interpretation of SonR sensor signals for resynchronization therapy 83
CHAPTER 6 The left and right ventricle respond differently to variation of pacing delays in cardiac resynchronization therapy. A combined experimental-computational approach 105
CHAPTER 7 General discussion 127
Impact 143
Summary/Samenvatting 151
Dankwoord 163
About the author 171