Timo Soeterik

12 CHAPTER 1 TABLE 1. The AJCC UICC 8 th edition prostate cancer clinical T-stage classification Clinical T (cT) TX Primary tumour cannot be assessed T0 No evidence of primary tumour T1 Clinically inapparent tumour that is not palpable T1a Tumour incidental histologic finding in 5% or less of tissue resected T1b Tumour incidental histologic finding in more than 5% of tissue resected T1c Tumour identified by needle biopsy found in one or both sides, but not palpable T2 Tumour is palpable and confined within prostate T2a Tumour involves one-half of one side or less T2b Tumour involves more than one-half of one side but not both sides T2c Tumour involves both sides T3 Extraprostatic tumour that is not fixed or does not invade adjacent structures T3a Extraprostatic extension (unilateral or bilateral) T3b Tumour invades seminal vesicle(s) T4 Tumour is fixed or invades adjacent structures other than seminal vesicles such as external sphincter, rectum, bladder, levator muscles, and/or pelvic wall TABLE 2. The ISUP 2014 New Grading System Morphologic Patterns and Grade Group Pattern Composition Grade Group Histopathological pattern Grade Group 1 (Gleason score 3+3=6) Only individual discrete well-formed glands Grade Group 2 (Gleason score 3+4=7) Predominantly well-formed glands with a lesser component of poorly formed/fused/cribriform glands Grade Group 3 (Gleason score 4+3=7) Predominantly poorly formed/fused/cribriform glands with a lesser component of well-formed glands Grade Group 4 (Gleason sum score 8) Only poorly formed/fused/cribriform glands, or Predominantly well-formed glands with a lesser component lacking glands, or Predominantly lacking glands with a lesser component of well-formed glands Grade Group 5 (Gleason sum scores 9–10) Lacks gland formation (or with necrosis) with or w/o poorly formed/fused/cribriform