Timo Soeterik

136 CHAPTER 7 SUPPLEMENTAL SECTION SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE S1. Coefficients of all four models Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Intercept -2.717 -3.065 -2.976 -2.988 PSA density 0.497 0.819 0.563 0.530 Clinical stage at DRE T1 T2 T3 0.978 1.625 0.679 1.200 MRI No lesion Organ-confined EPE 0.857 2.134 0.796 1.932 0.671 1.653 ISUP Grade Benign 1 2 3 4 5 -0.111 0.687 0.957 1.211 1.597 0.393 1.109 1.494 1.790 2.295 -0.301 0.261 0.661 1.026 1.297 -0.227 0.364 0.644 0.963 1.289 % Positive cores 1.557 1.561 1.345 SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE S2. Association between patient-based EPE on MRI and EPE at final histopathology No EPE at histopathology (%) EPE at histopathology (%) Total (%) No EPE on MRI 981 (71) 410 (29) 1391 (100) EPE on MRI 181 (38) 298 (62) 479 (100) SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE S3. Association between side-specific EPE on MRI and side-specific EPE at final histopathology (prostate lobe level) No EPE at histopathology (%) EPE at histopathology (%) Total (%) No EPE on MRI 2693 (84) 525 (16) 3218 (100) EPE on MRI 215 (41) 307 (59) 522 (100)