Timo Soeterik

188 CURRICULUM VITAE CURRICULUM VITAE AUCTORIS Timo Soeterik was born on the 28 th of September 1991 in Weert, the Netherlands. He was raised in Haelen, together with his older brother and sister. He graduated from Gymnasium at the Scholengemeenschap St. Ursula in Horn. In 2009, he started his study Medicine at the University of Utrecht. During his study time, he was an active member of several student associations. In his third year of his Bachelor of Medicine, he got engaged in scientific research within the field of andrology, under supervision of drs. M.T.W.T. Lock. He received several research grants while being a student researcher, including the “Van Walree Travel grant” of the “KNAW Fonds Medische Wetenschappen”, and travel awards for two of the yearly conferences of the American Society for Andrology. During his Master study period, he did two of his clinical clerkships abroad, including Gynaecology in s’ Lands Hospitaal, Paramaribo, Surinam and his social medicine intership at Ndlovu Care Group, Groblersdal, South Africa. In his final year, he participated in a study on the anatomy of the corpus spongiosum, at the Department of Regenerative medicine and Reconstructive Urology, under supervision of dr. P. de Graaf and prof. dr. L.M.O. de Kort. Once graduated as a Master of Science in Medicine, he started as a PhD Candidate at the Santeon hospital group, working at the St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein. During his PhD period he completed the Master “Evidence Based Practice” at the University of Amsterdam, to fulfill his registration as an epidemiologist (Epidemioloog B) under the supervision of prof. dr. L.A.L.M. Kiemeney. Timo was rewarded research grants and awards from a number of institutions and associations, including the “Vlietstra Prize for Best Abstract” of the Dutch Urological Association, “Stichting Kwaliteitsgelden Medisch Specialisten”, the “st. Antonius Ziekenhuis Onderzoeksfonds” and “ZonMw”. Timo currently works as a resident not in training at the Department of Urology of the St. Antonius Hospital in Nieuwegein (September 2021), under the supervision of dr. H.H.E. van Melick. He will start his urology residency training program in January 2022. He lives happily together with Evelien Klijn in Utrecht.