M Beerens

SUMMARY 7 121 Chapter 5 Long-term remineralising effect of MI Paste Plus ® on the regression of early caries after orthodontic fixed appliance treatment; a randomized 12-month follow-up clinical trial. The long term effects of MI Paste Plus ® as a remineralising agent were analysed for a period of 12 months, by assessing several outcome methods: 1. QLF Imaging, 2. Conventional microbiological assessment, 3. Acidogenicity of plaque determined by capillary ion analysis (CIA), and 4. Assessment of ICDAS-scores on clinical photographs. This chapter describes a double-blind prospective randomised controlled trial. Fifty-one orthodontic patients, with multiple white spot lesions observed after the removal of fixed appliances were followed for a period of 12 months. The MI Paste Plus ® group consisted of 25 patients, while the control group consisted of 26 patients. There was a significant improvement in WSL severity (fluorescence loss) over time inbothgroups, withnodifferencesbetweengroups. Asignificant reduction in aciduric bacteria over time was seen for the MI Paste Plus ® group, but not in the control group. The reduction in aciduric bacteria was not significantly different between the groups. No significant changes in S. mutans over time for the MI Paste Plus ® group were found, contrarily a significant reduction of S. mutans in time was found for the control group. The reduction in S. mutans was not significantly different between the groups. No significant differences in acidogenicity of plaque were seen in time or between the groups. ICDAS assessment showed the lesions to be unchanged in both groups. The use of MI Paste Plus ® after orthodontic fixed appliance treatment in patients with subsurface enamel lesions did not improve these lesions during the one year following debonding.