M Beerens

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS 8 137 Authors: M.W. Beerens, J.M. ten Cate, M.J. Buijs, M.H. van der Veen. Published in: European Journal of Orthodontics (2017). Author contributions: Conceived and designed the study: MvdV, JtC Performed the study: MB, MvdV Analysed the data: MB, MvdV, MJB Drafted the manuscript: MB, MvdV Critically revised the manuscript: JtC, MJB Acknowledgments: We would like to thank all the undergraduate students, at time; Hanna Bieze, Lody Verheij, Merlijn Marsman, Anne Toxopeus, Lizette Bonhof en Michiel Stevens of the ACTA, who helped us by administrating all the collected data. We are grateful to the technicians and the undergraduate students of FALW/ Free University who analysed the samples, with a special thanks to Michel Hoogenkamp, Najoua Azili and Marjolijn van Til. And we would like to thank Florence Boekitwetan for her contribution as a second observer of the digital photographs data. MvdV conceived and designed the trial. JtC approved the intended effort to perform the trial. We would like to thank Cor van Loveren, who monitored the study and functioned as independent dentist for the judgement of adverse events. MJB performed data analysis and MB performed the clinical examinations, interviews, and data collection. All authors received and contributed to the paper before submitting for publication. Funding sources: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. MI Paste Plus ® was kindly donated by GC Benelux, Leuven, Belgium. Conflicts of interests: Dr. M.H. van der Veen is a co-inventor on several patents relating to quantitative light induced fluorescence. The authors declare that otherwise there is no conflict of interest pertaining to the data presented in this article.