M Beerens

CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 9 CHAPTER 2 White spot lesions after orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance assessed on clinical photography and by quantitative light-induced fluorescence imaging; a retrospective study 23 CHAPTER 3 The use of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoreses and conventional microbiology as indicator of white spot lesions in orthodontic patients; a cross-sectional study 39 CHAPTER 4 Remineralising effect of MI Paste Plus ® on the regression of early caries after orthodontic fixed appliance treatment; a randomized 3-month follow-up clinical trial 55 CHAPTER 5 Long-term remineralising effect of MI Paste Plus ® on the regression of early caries after orthodontic fixed appliance treatment; a randomized 12-month follow-up clinical trial 77 CHAPTER 6 General discussion Conclusions 103 111 CHAPTER 7 Summary (ENG) Samenvatting (NL) 115 123 CHAPTER 8 List of publications Author contributions Dankwoord Curriculum vitae auctoris 131 134 139 143