
111 Accuracy of MIA for the detection of ischemic heart disease 6 Table 2. PMMR criteria for determining infarction age* Necrotic center Marginal regions T1 T2 T1 T2 Acute Peracute (<6 hours) = Ż = = Acute (6 hours – 1 week) = / Ź Ż Ż Ź Chronic Subacute (1 week – 2 months) = Ź = = Chronic (>2 months) Ż / Ź (fat) Ż = = * Criteria based on Jackowski et al. 153,157,158 Table 3. Diagnostic accuracy of MRI and MIA Prevalence of disease (%) N TP TN FP FN K Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) MRI Acute MI 34 99 17 60 5 17 0.46 50 (32-68) 92 (83-97) Chronic MI 40 99 14 59 0 26 0.39 35 (21-52) 100 (94-100) MIA Acute MI 34 99 33 62 3 1 0.91 97 (85-100) 95 (87-99) Chronic MI 40 99 36 44 15 4 0.62 90 (76-97) 75 (62-85) N, number; TP, true positives; TN, true negatives; FP, false positives; FN, false negatives; K, kappa measure of agreement; PMMR, postmortem magnetic resonance; MI, myocardial infarction; MIA, minimally invasive autopsy. Values in parentheses represent upper and lower bound for 95% confidence interval.