
117 Accuracy of MIA for the detection of ischemic heart disease 6 Figure 5. Example of CT calcium score as a diagnostic test for chronic myocardial infarction Legend: 54-year old man with no medical history of ischemic heart disease. CT curved MPR of the RCA (A), LAD (B) and LCX (C), showing severely calcified coronary arteries (Total Agatston score: 409). T2w MRI (D): diffuse T2 hyperintense signal indicative of myocardial edema as a sign of acute myocardial infarction. These areas were biopsied and microscopy (HE) shows contraction band necrosis (E: arrow heads) and hypereosinophilia fitting with the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and connective tissue (F: asterisk) within a region of chronic myocardial infarction.