
122 Chapter 7 MATERIALS AND METHODS In this prospective study RNA quality of post-mortem tissues was examined and compared to fresh frozen samples. The post-mortem tissues were obtained from two types of post-mortem examination: MIA and CA. Heart, kidney and liver tissue samples were collected at both MIA and subsequent CA in the same case, thereby excluding inter-patient variation between the two types of post-mortem samples. Fresh frozen samples of the same three organ types, which had been obtained from living subjects, were culled from our frozen tissue bank. The three tissue types were selected based on accessibility during MIA, different rates of postmortem autolysis, availability in the frozen tissue bank and previous studies, showing acceptable results for basic molecular research with these tissue types. 186,187 The collected tissue samples were not always free from pathological changes. Subject inclusion and clinical states This study was approved by the Erasmus MC Medical Ethical Committee (file MEC- 2011-055-amendment 002). All cases of in-hospital deceased adult patients whose bereaved relatives have given signed informed consent for both MIA and CA could potentially be included in this study protocol. Samples of fresh frozen residual tissue of heart, kidney and liver derived from surgical specimens or biopsies were provided by the Erasmus MC Tissue Bank and used according to the Dutch Code of Conduct 2011. The autopsy samples were collected in the period between 11-28-2012 and 11-27- 2013 whenever the responsible researcher (AvdL) was available for tissue sampling. The time of death, entered by the subject’s physician, and the time of tissue sampling at MIA and CA were registered. The time elapsed between death and the freezing of the sampled tissue was defined as the post-mortem interval (PMI). PMI is an important parameter known to influence tissue degradation 188 and thus RNA integrity, also taken into account in forensic pathology. 189 The MIA was always performed at the evening before the CA, therefore the PMI was longer in tissues collected at CA. Medical data from the last phase of life (fever, hypoxia, hypertension and diabetes) and patient body mass index (BMI) were obtained from the subject’s medical records and the autopsy forms filled in by the subject’s physician.