
125 PM tissue biopsies obtained at MIA: an RNA-quality analysis 7 RESULTS Sample collection A total of 218 tissue samples from three different tissue types were collected. In 23 out of 24 autopsy cases the MIA and CA samples were collected from the same corpse. In 1 autopsy case, the samples had only been collected during MIA and not during the CA; therefore CA samples from another autopsy case were collected from the Erasmus MC Tissue Bank. For training purposes two additional heart samples were collected, one fresh frozen sample and one MIA sample. These were both included in the analyses. All fresh frozen tissue samples were culled from the Erasmus MC Tissue Bank. Per sample type three tissue types were collected (see table 2). The collected tissues were categorized based on post-mortem interval (PMI). The post- mortem intervals of our cases ranged from 10 to 59 hours. Six PMI categories were created, starting with the first category of up to 12 hours, each following category consisting of a post-mortem interval of 10 hours, and a last category consisting of 14 hours. An overview of the distribution of PMI categories for the included cases is given in table 3. An overview of the available (and potentially relevant) clinical variables is shown in table 4 and an overview of the morphologic tissue quality assessment of the samples is shown in table 5. RNA integrity RIN values were established for 199 samples. In 6 fresh frozen samples, 3 MIA samples and 2 CA samples the RNA integrity could not be established, because the RNA yield of the sample was too low. These samples were excluded from the analyses, as not being able to establish RIN values was due to the size of the tissue samples and not to the tissue quality. In 4 MIA samples and 4 CA samples the RNA integrity could not be established, due to extensive RNA degradation (RIN <1.0). These samples were included in the analyses with an RIN-value of 0 (zero), resulting in a total of 207 samples for the analysis. The median RIN value and interquartile range for all three sample types are shown in figure 1-A. The RIN values in fresh frozen samples were significantly higher than those in post-mortem samples (P<0.001, Unpaired Mann-Whitney test, significance level 0.05), and the RIN values in MIA samples were higher than those in CA samples (P = 0.032, Unpaired Mann-Whitney test, significance level 0.05).