
133 PM tissue biopsies obtained at MIA: an RNA-quality analysis 7 FIGURES Figure 1. RNA integrity and GAPDH expression in fresh frozen, MIA and CA samples. Legend: Figure 1A shows median RIN values (X-axis) of fresh frozen, MIA and CA samples (Y-axis). The fresh frozen samples, taken from surgical specimens, yielded high quality RNA. Both types of post mortem samples MIA and CA yielded RNA of lower quality. In figure 1B the samples are divided into 3 tissue types; heart, kidney and liver respectively. In figures 1C and 1D RT-qPCR results of the same samples are shown, in the same order. Since all GAPDH RT-qPCR assays in the 6-amplicon size assay showed similar results, only the results of the 71 bp assay are depicted here. The Cq value (Y-axis) obtained in fresh frozen samples is low, i.e. the GAPDH expression level is high. In the post mortem samples MIA and CA, GAPDH RNA is partly degenerated, resulting in higher Cq values corresponding with lower GAPDH expression levels.