
152 Chapter 8 Table 7. Frequencies of postmortem PMCT and PMMR features of the brain PMCT and PMMR features of brain (n=100) PMCT PMMR Loss of grey-white matter differentiation 85% 85% Hyperdensity superior sagittal sinus 96% NA Hyperdensity veins 54% NA Sulcal effacement 44% 41% Hyperdensity Willis' circle and cerebral arteries 35% NA Liquid paranasal sinuses 32% 32% High T1 signal basal ganglia and thalamus NA 32% Thickened / irregular aspect falx 20% NA Intracranial air cerebral vasculature 8% 1% Legend: PMCT = postmortem CT; PMMR = postmortem MR; NA = not assessable