
153 CT and MR features of postmortem change in deaths 8 Table 8. Frequencies of postmortem PMCT and PMMR features of thorax PMCT and PMMR features of thorax (n=100) Heart and large vessels PMCT PMMR Air heart 44% 22% Sedimentation of blood heart 62% 84% Dilatation right atrium and ventricle 25% 25% Pericardial effusion 26% 27% T2 signal decay epi- to endocardial NA 12% Postmortem clotting heart 4% 8% Air pericardial space 4% 2% Air coronaries 18% 12% Hyperdense aortic wall 90% NA Sedimentation in blood vessels 71% 88% Postmortem clotting vessels 25% 38% Intravascular air 31% 8% Collapse of thoracic aorta 30% 29% Lungs PMCT PMMR Internal livores 86% 85% Pleural effusion 31% 38% Liquid trachea / main bronchi 78% 78% Legend: PMCT = postmortem CT; PMMR = postmortem MR; NA = not accessable