
154 Chapter 8 Table 9. Frequencies of postmortem PMCT and PMMR features of the abdomen PMCT and PMMR features of abdomen (n=100) Liver, gallbladder, spleen and kidney PMCT PMMR Gas liver vasculature 37% 26% Internal livores liver NA 74% Sedimentation gallbladder 8% 14% Periportal edema 11% 27% Internal livores spleen NA 31% Gas spleen parenchyma or vessels 5% 1% Internal livores kidneys NA 6% Gas kidney parenchyma or vessels 9% 1% Stomach, intestines, abdominal cavity PMCT PMMR Intestinal sedimentation 6% 15% Gas in the intestinal wall 8% 1% Distended intestines 14% 14% Free air 7% 2% Fluid in the abdomen 20% 35% Abdominal vessels PMCT PMMR Intravascular air 21% 5% Collapse abdominal aorta 67% 67% Collapse abdominal vena cava 53% 53% Dilated abdominal vena cava 2% 2% Air vertebral venous plexus 11% 2% Legend: PMCT = postmortem CT; PMMR = postmortem MR; NA = not assessable