
156 Chapter 8 Table 11. Postmortem CT and MR features in relation to postmortem time interval Postmortem time interval Modality* <12 hours 12-24 hours 24-48 hours >48 hours Total P-value n=25 n=37 n=28 n=10 n=100 Intravascular air PMCT 14 (56%) 23 (62%) 16 (57%) 5 (50%) 58 (58%) 0.905 Sedimentation blood PMMR 24 (96%) 35 (95%) 28 (100%) 10 (100%) 97 (97%) 0.416 Loss of grey-white matter differentiation PMCT/ PMMR 14 (56%) 33 (89%) 28 (100%) 10 (100%) 85 (85%) <0.001 Distended intestines PMCT/ PMMR 0 (0%) 4 (11%) 7 (25%) 3 (30%) 14 (14%) 0.001 Postmortem clotting PMMR 6 (24%) 20 (54%) 12 (43%) 6 (60%) 44 (44%) 0.197 Livores lungs PMCT/ PMMR 20 (80%) 30 (81%) 26 (93%) 10 (100%) 86 (86%) 0.038 Livores liver PMMR 17 (68%) 27 (73%) 25 (89%) 5 (50%) 74 (74%) 0.805 Livores spleen PMMR 5 (20%) 11 (30%) 10 (35%) 5 (50%) 31 (31%) 0.062 Gravity dependent changes PMCT/ PMMR 50% 47% 51% 56% 50% 0.094 Decomposition PMCT/ PMMR 23% 30% 29% 34% 28% 0.026 *Specifies the modality that has the highest detection of the postmortem change Legend: PMCT = postmortem CT; PMMR = postmortem MR