
157 CT and MR features of postmortem change in deaths 8 FIGURES Figure 1. Postmortem imaging features of the brain Legend: (A) PMCT: Symmetrical hyperdense cerebral arteries (arrowheads). (B) PMCT: Hyperdensity in the dependent cerebral veins and sagittal sinus (arrowheads). (C) T1w PMMR: High signal of the basal nuclei of the brain (arrowheads). (D) T1w PMMR: Sulcal effacement (arrowheads). (E/F) PMCT (E) and antemortem CT (F) of the same patient. The antemortem CT scan shows normal grey-white matter differentiation (arrowhead). PMCT shows complete loss of grey-white matter differentiation (arrowhead).