
158 Chapter 8 Figure 2. Postmortem imaging features of the heart and large vessels Legend: (A) T2w PMMR: Sedimentation of blood in the heart chambers (arrowhead). T2 signal decay from subepicardial to subendocardial myocardium (arrows). (B) T2w PMMR: Postmortem clotting in the right atrium (arrowhead). Additional finding: a mediastinal herniation of the stomach (asterisk). (C/D) PMCT: Extensive air in the right and left ventricle (arrowheads) and coronary veins (arrows). (E) PMCT: Collapsed ascending aorta (arrowhead). (F) T2w PMMR: Sedimentation of the blood (arrowheads), the plasma layer becomes hyperintense and the dependent layer becomes hypointense. (G) PMCT: Relatively hyperdense aortic wall (arrow) as a result of sedimentation. This is best seen in the ascending aorta. The descending aorta shows a sedimentation level with a hyperdense aspect of the anterior vessel wall (arrowhead). (H) PMCT: Complete collapse of the abdominal aorta (arrowhead) and vena cava inferior (arrow).