
29 Autopsy rates in the Netherlands: 35 years of decline 2 Table 2. Linear regression analyses of clinical autopsy rates, per time period per variable Clinical autopsy rates Male Regression coefficient (95% CI) Female Regression coefficient (95% CI) Academic Regression coefficient (95% CI) Non-academic Regression coefficient (95% CI) Time period 1977-1988 -0.012 (-0.013; -0.012) -0.012 (-0.012; -0.011) -0.022 (-0.023; -0.020) -0.011 (-0.012; -0.011) 1989-2000 -0.006 (-0.006; -0.006) -0.006 (-0.007; -0.006) -0.009 (-0.010; -0.008) -0.006 (-0.006; -0.005) 2001-2011 -0.003 (-0.003; -0.003) -0.003 (-0.003; -0.003) -0.005 (-0.006; -0.004) -0.003 (-0.003; -0.003) 1977-2011 -0.007 (-0.007; -0.007) -0.006 (-0.007; -0.006) -0.009 (-0.009; -0.009) -0.006 (-0.007; -0.006) Clinical autopsy rates 18-39 years Regression coefficient (95% CI) 40-59 years Regression coefficient (95% CI) 60-79 years Regression coefficient (95% CI) 80 years -older Regression coefficient (95% CI) Time period 1977-1988 -0.016 (-0.019; -0.014) -0.014 (-0.015; -0.013) -0.012 (-0.012; -0.011) -0.009 (-0.010; -0.009) 1989-2000 -0.005 (-0.007; -0.003) -0.005 (-0.006; -0.005) -0.006 (-0.006; -0.006) -0.006 (-0.006; -0.006) 2001-2011 -0.007 (-0.010; -0.005) -0.003 (-0.004; -0.002) -0.002 (-0.003; -0.002) -0.003 (-0.003; -0.002) 1977-2011 -0.008 (-0.008; -0.007) -0.007 (-0.007; -0.007) -0.007 (-0.007; -0.007) -0.006 (-0.006; -0.006) Table 3. In-hospital deceased patients, performed autopsies and clinical autopsy rates per hospital category per time period Clinical autopsy rates Academic Non-academic Deceased Autopsies Rate Deceased Autopsies Rate Time period 1977-1988* 46357 14524 31.33% 472431 111184 23.53% 1989-2000* 57816 11349 19.63% 504567 69790 13.83% 2001-2011* 52474 6001 11.44% 408984 36330 8.88% 1977-2011* 156647 31874 20.35% 1385982 217304 15.68% * Difference per time period P<0.001 in Chi Square-test