
CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 General introduction 7 CHAPTER 2 Autopsy rates in the Netherlands: 35 years of decline 17 CHAPTER 3 Autopsy of adult patients deceased in an academic hospital: considerations of doctors and next-of-kin in the consent process 35 CHAPTER 4 Non-invasive or minimally invasive autopsy compared to conventional autopsy of suspected natural deaths in adults: a systematic review 53 CHAPTER 5 Agreement between Minimally Invasive Autopsy and Conventional Autopsy for Cause of Death: a cross-sectional study 79 CHAPTER 6 Diagnostic accuracy of postmortem CT, MRI and CT-guided biopsies for the detection of ischemic heart disease in a hospital setting 99 CHAPTER 7 Post-mortem tissue biopsies obtained at Minimally Invasive Autopsy: an RNA-quality analysis 119 CHAPTER 8 Total-body CT and MR features of postmortem change in in-hospital deaths 137 CHAPTER 9 General discussion 165 REFERENCES 181 ADDENDUM Summary Samenvatting List of Abbreviations Curriculum Vitae Ph.D. Portfolio List of publications Thesis cover Dankwoord 203 206 210 211 212 215 216 218