
69 Alternatives to conventional autopsy: a systematic review 4 Table 2-B. Study methods and design Minimally invasive methods With radiological imaging Wichmann 80 2014 Hospitalized patients who died unexpectedly or within 48 hours of an even necessitating CPR. Oral informed consent Maintenance work on the CT scanner. Funerals scheduled before autopsy could be done 4-slice and 16-slice native CT from head to hip joint? No Multiphase CTA via femoral vein and artery, from head to hip joint, using heart- lung machine Full autopsy Yes Ross 108 2012 Sheduled forensic autopsy. Antemortem reports of chest pain n/r 6-slice unenhanced CT . from head to pelvis CT-guided 14G needle biopsies of heart, lungs and suspected areas Arterial and venous CTA from head to pelvis, via femoral vein and artery, using heart-lung machine Conventional autopsy No Bolliger 109 2010 Consecutive cases of unclear COD. No signs of mechanical trauma. Case circumstances indicative of a natural death n/r 6-slice CT. . Scanned body parts not mentioned CT fluoroscopic controlled 14G needle biopsies of heart, lungs and suspicious regions CTA via femoral vein and artery, using heart-lung machine Full forensic autopsy Unknown Weustink 57 2009 Age 18 years or older. Weight less than 100kg No informed consent. Forensic COD. Known or suspected “high-risk” infections. Open abdominal wounds. Cases referred from Friday to Sunday 16-slice CT from the calvarium . to the pelvis. 1.5 Tesla MRI: T1 SE, T2 TSE and T2 FLAIR of the head using head coil; T1 SE, T2 TSE, T2 spectral fat saturation IR of thorax and abdomen 12G needle biopsies: Unguided biopsies of heart and lungs.. US- guided biopsies of liver, kidneys and spleen. If indicated additional. No Conventional Autopsy Yes Fariña 105 2002 n/r n/r Ultrasound of the internal organs, GI and urogenital tracts, pleural and peritoneal cavities and superficial structures Ultrasound guided 14G needle biopsies of the internal organs (incl. brain) and lesions No Conventional autopsy Yes Fariña 106 1998 n/r n/r Ultrasound of all organs 14G needle biopsies/ liquids No Conventional autopsy Yes Without radiological imaging Fan 112 2010 Cases reported to coroner. Cases ordered for autopsy examinations. Cases were selected to maximize benefit of method n/r No If indicated biopsies of the abdominal organs Laparoscopy and thoracoscopy . in 18 cases;. Endoscopic arterioscopy . in 2 cases Full autopsies. 4 limited autopsies Unknown Cacchione 113 2001 Patients who died in their institution n/r No Needle biopsies of the internal organs Laparascopy, thoracoscopy and. review of patients hospital records Conventional autopsy Unknown Huston 107 1996 Patients with permission for complete post mortem examination Medical examiner cases. Fetal cases No Percutaneous 15G needle biopsies of heart, liver, lungs and kidneys. If indicated additional. Appropriate tissues and fluids for post mortem cultures Full autopsy Unknown * Unknown if not explicitly mentioned