
110 | Chapter 7 Compound Effect Lp(a) * Effect other lipoproteints Dicussed study on effect Lp(a) Assay used in discussed study Effect cardiovascular events Conclusion Lipoprotein Apheresis Decrease 70% (directly post treatment) Decrease 26% (one week average) Decrease LDL-C 67% Leebman et al.[22] Unknown Decrease Decreases Lp(a) Decreases cardiovascular events in Lp(a)- Hyperlipoproteinemia Registered for specific patient population High burden for patients Time consuming Expensive Not reimbursed in every country Niacin Decrease 19-24% Decrease TG 20-50% Decrease LDL-C 5-25% Increase HDL-C 15- 35% Albers et al.[25] (AIM-HIGH) Boden et al.[27] (HPS-2-THRIVE) Northwest Lipid Research Clinic Protocol No effect on top of statins Possible decre- ase monothe- rapy Decreases in Lp(a) Improves lipid profile No effect on cardiovascular events on top of statins possible decrease in cardio- vascular events with mono- therapy Problematic safety profile Ezetimibe No effect Decrease LDL-C 10% Moutzouri et al. [29] Randox Unknown No effect on Lp(a) Decreases LDL-C Unknown effect on cardiovas- cular events Table 7.1 | Continued