
2 23 | Validation CHS and PiU Table 2.1 | Inter-observer variability in the Panasonic CHS of all patients. 1 * Results per scan position Results of the mean C-IMT per subject C-IMT: Mean C-IMT (±SD) 0.611 ± 0.141 mm 0.610 ± 0.126 mm Intra-class coefficient (95%CI) 0.91 (0.88-0.94) 0.98 (0.95-0.99) Difference between both observers (LOA) (±SD) 0.008±0.081 mm (p=0.25) 0.007±0.040 mm (p=0.31) Correlation of the C-IMT difference and the mean C-IMT R= -0.09; (p= 0.26) R= -0.28; (p= 0.09) Plaques: Plaques found Obs X: 27 (34%) Obs Y: 30 (38%) Obs X: 17 (43%) Obs Y: 17 (43%) Agreement of plaque presence (Intraclass kappa) (±SD) 73 (0.81±0.1) (p<0.001) 38 (0.90±0.1) (p<0.001) 1* Patients were 51±15 years old, BMI was 25.8±3.8, and 50% were male. Inter-system variability Observer X started scanning the healthy subject with the PiU, and immediately thereafter the subject was repositioned and measured with the CHS. The output of both devices of a healthy subject with a plaque are shown in figure 2. Figure 2.1a | Image outcome of a plaques scan (same location) on the two different systems. The lumen of the carotid artery are marked with stars, and the plaques pointed out with arrows. CHS PiU