
3 35 | Carotid ultrasonography in statin treated FH CT calcium imaging A subgroup (n=49, 22%) of the asymptomatic FH patients in this cohort underwent a non-enhanced cardiac computed tomography (CT) scan (Somatom Definition, Siemens Medical Solutions, Forchheim, Germany) in the same period, to quantify the coronary calcium burden, not on indication but for another research study. The calcium score was measured as described previously (20), and expressed as the Agatson score (21). The FH patients who had their calcium score determined were divided in three subgroups. The first group were patients without detectable calcification [n=14). Patients with a positive calcium scan were split in two comparable sized groups (n=17; n=18) based on the calcium score, by using the median calcium score of the FH patients with coronary calcification (Agatston score cut-off of 136). Statistical analyses Data with a normal distribution were expressed as mean (±SD), and data with a skewed distribution asmedian (IQR). Differences between the groups at baselinewere compared by a Chi-Square test for binary variables and by ANOVA for continuous variables. Factors associatedwith C-IMT and plaques were tested in linear and logistic regression analyses. The regression analyses were repeated separately in the FH patients and the controls to see if there were different predicting variables in the groups. To test the association of carotid plaques and C-IMT with coronary artery calcification, univariable ordinal regression analyses were performed. Finally, multiple ordinal regression analyses were performed to determine the predictive values of the carotid plaques presence and C-IMT for coronary calcification. The statistical analyses were performed using SPSS, version 20 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois). Results Clinical characteristics Data were collected of 221 FH patients, and 103 healthy controls. DNA analysis confirmed FH in 170 patients (77%), with mutations in the LDLR and APOB gene in 151 and 19 patients, respectively. PCSK-9 gene mutations were not present in our patients. Characteristics of FH patients and controls are depicted in table 1. FH patients were of similar age and had similar LDL-C levels as controls. All FH patients used statins on average for 10.0±7.8years. At inclusion, 74%of patients used rosuvastatinor atorvastatin,