
36 | Chapter 3 Table 3.1 | Characteristics of the FH patients and non-FH controls. Characteristics FH (n=221) control (n=103) p Age (years) 46±15 47±16 0.57 Sex (male) 107 (48%) 33 (32%) 0.004 Body mass index (kg/m 2 ) 26.3±4.8 25.2±4.6 0.05 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 129±14 136±21 0.001 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 78±9 83±12 <0.001 Hypertension 1 46 (21%) 16 (16%) 0.3 Diabetes mellitus 2 6 (3%) 1 (1%) 0.3 Smoker (current, former) 72 (33%) 36 (35%) 0.4 LDL-R mutation 151 (68%) N/A APOB mutation 19 (9%) N/A No mutation detected 51 (23%) N/A Total cholesterol levels pre-statin treatment (mmol/L) 8,5±2,1 N/A Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.1±1.2 a 5.6±1.0 0.001 HDL-C (mmol/L) 1.4±0.4 a 1.6±0.4 0.03 LDL-C (mmol/L) 3.3±1.0 a 3.3±0.7 0.99 ApoB (mg/L) 1.1±0.3 a 1.0±0.2 0.16 Triglyceride (mmol/L) b 1.1 (0.8) a 1.2 (0.8) 0.14 Cholesterol year score c 358,1±153,6 288,5±115,6 <0.001 Years on statins ≤ 1 year 32 (15%) N/A 1-2 years 15 (7%) N/A 2-5 years 27 (12%) N/A >5 years 147 (67%) N/A High intensity statin dose d 164 (74%) N/A Atorvastatin 73 (33%) N/A Fluvastatine 2 (1%) N/A Pravastatine 6 (3%) N/A Rosuvastatine 90 (41%) N/A Simvastatine 50 (23%) N/A 1 Defined as being diagnosed by physician or taking antihypertensive drugs; 2 Defined as being diagnosed by physician or taking anti-diabetic drugs; a values of statin treated patients; b median (IQR); c cholesterol year score was calculated using the formula: Untreated total cholesterol x years without statin treatment + statin- treated total cholesterol x years treated with statins; d Defined as atorvastatin ≥40mg, Rosuvastatin ≥20mg, and simvastatin ≥40mg; nd: not determined.