
38 | Chapter 3 Table 3.2 | Multiple regression analyses A : Multiple Logistic regression of predictors of the presence of carotid plaques in the FH patients, and controls. FH R 2 = 40% Controls R 2 = 34% OR 95% CI OR p OR 95% CI OR p Age (Years) 1.11 1.07-1.15 <0.001 1.10 1.03-1.17 0.01 Sex (Male) 1.79 0.82-3.93 0.1 1.56 0.37-6.66 0.5 Body Mass Index (kg/m 2 ) 0.99 0.90-1.08 0.8 1.13 0.99-1.29 0.1 Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 1.02 0.99-1.05 0.3 0.99 0.96-1.02 1.0 Hypertension 1.14 0.44-2.93 0.8 2.75 0.66- 11.50 0.2 Smoker (Current, Former) 1.44 0.69-2.98 0.3 0.74 0.21-2.68 0.7 Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) 0.53 0.18-1.53 0.2 3.10 0.49- 19.61 0.2 LDL-C (mmol/L) 2.71 0.85-8.62 0.1 0.20 0.02-2.40 0.2 Triglycerides (mmol/L) 1.32 0.85-2.10 0.2 0.75 0.25-2.21 0.6 Bold entries in the table highlight a significant p level < 0.05 B : Multiple linear regression analyses of predictors of C-IMT in the FH patients, and controls. FH R 2 = 36% Controls R 2 = 50% OR 95% CI OR p OR 95% CI OR p Age (Years) 1.00 1.00-1.00 <0.001 1.01 1.01-1.01 <0.001 Sex (Male) 0.98 0.95-1.01 0.1 1.00 0.95-1.04 0.6 Body Mass Index (kg/m 2 ) 1.00 1.00-1.00 0.3 1.00 1.00-1.01 0.2 Systolic Blood Pressure (mmHg) 1.00 1.00-1.00 0.2 1.00 1.00-1.00 0.4 Hypertension 1.05 1.01-1.10 0.02 0.99 0.93-1.05 0.9 Smoker (Current, Former) 1.00 0.97-1.03 0.1 1.01 0.96-1.05 0.7 Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.02 0.95-1.10 0.9 0.94 0.85-1.04 0.1 LDL-C (mmol/L) 0.99 0.92-1.07 0.5 1.01 0.89-1.14 0.1 Triglycerides (mmol/L) 0.99 0.96-1.02 0.9 1.00 0.94-1.05 0.3 Bold entries in the table highlight a significant p level < 0.05 CI 2.41-26.32; p=0.001) and age (proportional odds: 1.06, 95% CI 1.01-1.12; p 0.03) were significant predictors of coronary calcium category. C-IMT was not predictive of a higher calcium-score (proportional odds: 9.23, 95% CI 0.06-1511; p=0.4). In multiple ordinal