
4 53 | Rebuttal AoVC in FH Table 4.3 | Predictive value of risk factors for AoVC-score. N = 276 Univariable ordinal regression in the entire cohort Multivariable ordinal regression in the entie cohort † Proportional Odds § 95 % CI p-Value Proportional Odds § 95 % CI p-Value LDLR-negative mutation 3.87 2.19-6.84 < 0.001 4.81 2.22-10.40 < 0.001 Age (Years) 1.07 1.04-1.11 < 0.001 1.12 1.08-1.16 < 0.001 Sex (Male) 1.40 0.83-2.37 0.212 BMI 1.05 0.99-1.11 0.106 Smoking (Current/ Former) 1.24 0.73-2.11 0.433 Hypertension ‡ 0.84 0.58-3.32 0.518 Diabetes Mellitus 0.72 0.30-1.70 0.452 Maximum Untreat- ed Cholesterol 1.33 1.21-1.46 < 0.001 Maximum Untreat- ed LDL Cholesterol 1.26 1.13-1.39 < 0.001 1.18 1.03-1.34  0.01 Treated Total Cho- lesterol 1.09 0.90-1.31 0.373 HDL 1.02 0.54-1.95 0.943 LDL 1.10 0.90-1.36 0.349 TG 0.98 0.81-1.19 0.842 Systolic Blood Pressure 1.01 0.99-1.03 0.065 Diastolic Blood Pressure 1.03 1.00-1.05 0.031 1.04 1.01-1.07  0.01 CAC (per 100 Agatston Units Increase) 1.26 1.16-1.36 < 0.001 CAC (Present) 6.97 3.18-15.29 < 0.001 Agatston units: group 1 (AoVC score ¼ 0), group 2 (AoVC score >0 to 37), and group 3 (AoVC score >37). †= No significant interaction between the presence of AoVC and other risk factors. § = Because 3 ranked categories (3 AoVC groups) are being analyzed, the proportional odds variable is a relative risk that is calculated with an ordinal logistic regression analysis. This model predicts how much an increase in the explanatory variable leads to an increase of probability in the higher AoVC group. ‡ = Blood pressure >140/90 mm Hg and/or antihypertensive treatment. BMI = body mass index; CAC = coronary artery calcification (Agatston units); CI = confidence interval; LDLR = low-density lipoprotein receptor; other abbreviations as in Tables 1 and 2.