
92 | Chapter 6 Table 6.1 | Baseline Characteristics Lp(a) >0.3g/L (n=91) Lp(a) ≤0.3g/L (n=100) p Age (years) 50±16 46±15 0.072 Sex (male) 45 (49%) 51 (51%) 0.472 Body mass index (kg/m 2 ) 26.1±4.0 26.6±5.1 0.457 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 128±13 129±13 0.452 Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 78±8 78±9 0.842 Hypertension 1 26 (28%) 28 (25%) 0.529 Diabetes mellitus 2 4 (4%) 4 (4%) 0.586 Smoker (current and former) 35 (38%) 41 (41%) 0.469 Stigmata 3 20 (22%) 21 (21%) 0.554 Alcohol abuse 4 5 (5%) 9 (9%) 0.275 Inactivity 5 29 (32%) 23 (23%) 0.087 Maximal intensity statin 6 68 (75%) 69 (69%) 0.423 Years of statin treatment 10±8 10±7 0.815 Ezetimibe 36 (40%) 37 (37%) 0.415 LDL-R mutation 57 (63%) 73 (73%) 0.084 APOB mutation 11 (12%) 8 (8%) 0.242 No genetic confirmation 23 (25%) 19 (19%) 0.192 Positive family history 7 61 (67%) 67 (67%) 0.446 Premature CVD 8 18 (20%) 12 (12%) 0.106 Any CVD 18 (20%) 14 (14%) 0.191 Coronary calcium score (Agatston Units) 9 50 (228) (n=20) 40 (436) (n=13) 0.882 Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.00±0.94 5.09±1.15 0.567 HDL (mmol/L) 1.47±0.43 1.41±0.47 0.398 LDL (mmol/L) 3.20±0.85 3.23±1.02 0.794 Triglyceride (mmol/L) 9 0.99 (0.64) 1.09 (0.94) 0.056 1 Defined as being diagnosed by physician or taking antihypertensive drugs; 2 Defined as being diagnosed by physician or taking anti-diabetic drugs; 3 Presence of Xanthoma/Xanthalasmata/arcus lipoides; 4 >2U alcohol/day ; 5 <30min of physical activity/day; 6 The use of Atorvastatin ≥ 40mg or Rosuvastatin ≥ 20mg or Sinvastatin 80mg; 7 Any CVD in a first or second degree relative; 8 CVD <55 years (men) or < 60 (woman); 9 Mean (IQR).