Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 8 132 Table 8.4 Top 4 of the most accused specialties, their treatments and alleged unfavourable surgical outcomes. Total number of claims per specialty Number of specialists in the Netherlands Relative number of claims per specialist Claims concerning Informed Consent Top 3 most accused treatments per specialty in this study Top 3 alleged unfavourable surgical outcomes per specialty 1. Surgery n=2777 1289 2,15 235 (8%) -Varices -Hernia inguinalis repair n=105 12 (11%) 11 (10%) -Re-operation -Disability n=105 38 (36%) 25 (24%) -Cholecystectomy 9 (9%) -Nerve damage 21 (20%) 2. Orthopedic surgery 676 2,35 172 (11%) -Total hip arthroplasty n=75 20 (27%) -Disability n=75 31 (41%) n=1589 -Knee arthroscopy 5 (7%) -Pain 28 (37%) -Hallux valgus correction 4 (5%) -Nerve damage 23 (31%) 3. Gynecology 1025 0,91 90 (10%) n=32 n=32 n=933 -Uterus and adnexa extirpation 9 (28%) -Re-operation 11 (34%) -Prolaps surgery 6 (19%) -Psychological damage 7 (22%) -Sterilisation 5 (16%) -Disability 5 (16%) 4. Plastic surgery n=393 281 1,40 68 (17%) -Breast reduction n=48 8 (17%) -Disappointing results n=48 31 (65%) -Breast augmentation 4 (18% -Re-operation 13 (27%) -Liposuction 4 (18%) -Pain 9 (19%) SIC = surgical informed consent.