Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 9 148 DEVELOPING A STANDARD FORM In our opinion, none of the forms in our inventory was satisfactory. That is why we looked for available case law and literature as the basis for a SIC standard form. The starting point was that the form should be legally adequate, user-friendly and practically applicable. The form must be easily interpretable for physician and patient, clear and printable. And, not unimportantly, we wanted the possibility to integrate it into an electronic patient file (EPF), to limit the administrative burden by offering semi-automatic completion. Based on these principles, we drew up a draft form and presented it to experts in health law and patient information, to an insurance company (Medirisk) - with a view to assess medical liability - and to the Dutch Patients and Consumers Federation (NPCF). Following the feedback from these parties, the concept was modified until consensus was reached on the content of the form. Linguistically and literally, it was adapted to a suitable language level for this purpose.