Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 9 152 Explanation of Informed Consent What is Informed Consent? Informed consent means that you have been well informed and are consenting to surgery. What does informed consent mean for me? If you need to undergo surgery, it is important that you agree to it and know what to expect. You should discuss all your questions and concerns with your physician and/or surgeon before surgery. The physician will try to inform you as completely as possible about your condition, the possible treatments and the consequences for your health. Your physician and/or surgeon will regularly ask you if you have sufficiently understood the course of events surrounding the surgery. Ask yourself whether the information you have received about the surgery has been sufficient. Only after this has been completed have you been fully informed and can you consent to the surgery. What do I need to know? Not everyone wants to know all the specific details of the surgery. Nevertheless, it is wise to be well informed, so that you know what is going to happen and what to expect. The more extensive the intervention is, the more important it is for you and your loved ones to receive good information. No physician and/or surgeon can fully guarantee the outcome of the surgery. There are many factors that can play a role. However, your physician and/or surgeon will do everything possible to give you the best possible information about what you can expect from the surgery. What should I do if I still have questions? If you have questions about this form, please contact your physician's outpatient clinic. Figure 9.1B Example of a standard form for preoperative informed consent as it is printed for the patient (B: back)