Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 10 162 represents the average score of the general US population, with an SD of 10. We preselected 29 items from this item bank that were relevant activities for our study population. On the baseline (T0) electronic questionnaire, we asked participants from both groups to select eight activities from this list of 29 that—in their view—would most reflect their day-to- day activities. Participants, thus, created their personalised physical function short form. Based on the underlying IRT model of the item bank, individual T-scores are comparable, even though participants completed different items. 18 In questionnaires administered after surgery (T1 to T5), we asked participants if they had already resumed these activities, and if so, since when they had done so. Every participant, therefore, had eight resumption dates for their personalised activities. We converted these dates into periods by subtracting the date of surgery from these dates. The moment on which the last activity was resumed was the return to normal activities moment and, thus, the primary outcome. Aim Creating recovery expectations Reducing uncertainties during the recovery period Increasing access to care, reducing workload Minimise bias in estimation of the intervention effect Component Intervention group Recovery advice based on a personalised convalescence plan Available on: intervention website and app √ √ Information about the perioperative period Available on: intervention website and app √ √ Monitoring and giving feedback on recovery Available on: intervention website, app, and activity tracker √ E-consult Available on: intervention website √ √ Control group Standard patient information leaflet with information about the perioperative period Available on: placebo website √ Figure 10.1 Description of the intervention and control. If one or more activities had not been resumed when completing the last questionnaire (6 months after surgery [T5]), we censored the dates of resumption of these activities on 6 months. When the resumption dates of one or two activities were missing, we calculated the return to normal activities moment based on six or seven activities, respectively.