Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 12 192 present however, no specific chapter on SIC is included in most guidelines or SOPs. An EPD is an ideal environment for implementing SOP’s in SIC, for instance by the use of a checklist concept. Nevertheless, a “Checklist-mentality” should be avoided as this may hamper instead of improve SIC as discussed in this thesis. Future research should focus on developing adequate, user-friendly software while avoiding checklist-feelings. We have made SIC notes available for patients but future research will determine whether this is appreciated by patients. E-health Improvements in e-health regarding all aspects of SIC are feasible. Patients have ample methods for improving their own situation. For instance, they can prepare for upcoming hospital visits, ask questions, test knowledge and receive upfront advice regarding recovery, or may want to compare their recovery with fellow patients. The potential downside of e-health is the availability of an immense amount of general as well as detailed information. In addition, most information is standardized whereas patients are different with respect to education, age or social-economic background. New software programs should provide concise and personalized and interactive information themes. This modern software is also useful as a monitoring board for professionals and can provide real-time status updates of their patients. Software of e-health programs needs to be as variable as the ever changing patient care.