Wouter Leclercq

Impact paragraph 207 14 In this thesis specific surgical specialties were included. But the conclusions for general, orthopaedic and orthopaedic surgeons are relevant for all surgeons. Apart from surgical subspecialties, introduction of this concept may also be worthwhile in other specialities including gastroenterology, (interventional) radiology or pulmonology and others. Activity How can these target groups be involved in and informed about the research results, so that the acquired knowledge can be used in the future? From the patients’ point of view reinforcing the patient empowerment by involving patients and patient perspectives in all domains of the surgical field is needed to optimize SIC and postoperative counselling. In the last decade the patient participation is on the rise and this thesis emphasizes the need and usefulness of this process. From the surgeons’ point of view adequate training regarding SIC issues is required. Formal incorporation in the Dutch basic training program for surgeons (including orthopaedic, plastics surgeons and urologists) is currently still lacking and needs implementation.