Wouter Leclercq

A review of surgical informed consent: Past, present, and future. A quest to help patients make better decisions 33 2 Table 1 Overview of randomized controlled trials focused on IC Author Journal Year of publication Specialism Country N Study groups Outcome in favor of study group(s) Armstrong et al. [11] Br J Plast Surg 1997 Plast Surg UK 269 Oral vs. oral and written information Oral and written Deyo et al. [64] Med Care 2000 Neuro/Ort USA 393 Oral and written information vs. pc- based video pc-based video Chan et al. [61] Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2002 Ent/Gen surg Canada 125 Oral vs. oral and written information with figures Oral and written with figures Mason et al. [69] BJOG 2003 Gyn UK 31 Oral vs. oral and video information Oral and video Rossi et al. [73] Arthroscopy 2005 Ort USA 150 Oral vs. oral and video information Oral and video Danino et al. [62] Plast Reconstr Surg 2006 Plast Surg France 60 Oral vs. oral and video information Oral and video Moseley et al. [71] Br J Ophthalmol 2006 Oph USA 90 Oral vs. oral and dia or video information Oral and dia or video Keulers et al. [66] Patient Educ Couns 2007 Plast Surg Netherlands 113 Oral and written vs. pc-based information pc-based Masood et al. [70] BJU Int 2007 Uro UK 45 Oral vs. oral and written information Oral only Eggers et al. [42] Obesity 2007 Gen surg Germany 40 Oral and written information vs. Oral, written and pc-based information Oral, written, and pc- based information Bollschweiler et al. [43] Ann Surg 2008 Gen surg Germany 76 Oral and written information vs. Oral, written and pc-based information Oral, written, and pc- based information N number of patients; Plast Surg plastic surgery; Neuro neurosurgery; Ort orthopedics; Ent ear nose throat; Gen Surg general surgery; Gyn gynecology; Oph ophthalmology; Uro urology