Wouter Leclercq

Chapter 3 50 Table 3.3 Supporting tools in the surgical informed consent process. Q-NR Question Answer Total (n=453) Surgeons (n=296) Residents (n=157) P-value 9 Which supporting tools are you using for patient education? Leaflets (Y/N %) 97/3% 98/2% 95/5% 0.071 Websites / software (Y/N %) 32/68% 37/63% 24/76% 0.008 Movies (Y/N %) 14/86% 16/84% 8/92% 0.019 Information personnel (Y/N %) 48/52% 46/54% 50/50% 0.49 22 Are you interested in using SIC software? Interested 76% 79% 71% 0.038 Not interested 24% 21% 29% Q-NR = Question number as reported in Additional file 2. Y/N % = Percentage of persons in this category who answers positive / negative. SIC = Surgical Informed Consent.