Wouter Leclercq

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 General Introduction and outline of thesis 9 Part I Preoperative counselling and surgical informed consent Chapter 2 A review of surgical informed consent: Past, present, and future. A quest to help patients make better decisions 19 Chapter 3 A survey of the current practice of the informed consent process in general surgery in the Netherlands 41 Chapter 4 Challenging the knowledge base and skillset for providing surgical consent by orthopedic and plastic surgeons in the Netherlands: An identified area of improvement in patient safety 59 Chapter 5 Preoperative education and informed consent in young adults undergoing bariatric surgery: Patient perspectives on current practice 75 Chapter 6 Insight in information provision prior to obtaining surgical informed consent by audiotaping outpatient consultations 93 Chapter 7 Shared decision making and surgical informed consent in general surgery: A pilot study on differences in perspectives of physicians and patients 107 Chapter 8 A decade of litigation regarding surgical informed consent in the Netherlands 123 Chapter 9 Preoperative medical record-keeping can be improved: New informed consent form assists both physicians and patients 141 Part II Postoperative counselling and e-health Chapter 10 Personalised perioperative care by e-health after intermediate- grade abdominal surgery: A multicentre, single-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial 157 Chapter 11 Summarizing discussion and conclusions 181 Chapter 12 Future perspectives 189 Chapter 13 Samenvatting 195 Chapter 14 Impact paragraph 203 Appendix Dankwoord 209 List of publications 217 Curriculum vitae 233