Lisette van Dam

Chapter 6 108 Appendix A: Pubmed search string (((“Venous Thrombosis”[mesh]) OR “splanchnic vein thrombosis”[tw] OR “splanchnic vein thromboses”[tw] OR “splanchnic venous thrombosis”[tw] OR “mesenteric vein thrombosis”[tw] OR “mesenteric vein thromboses”[tw] OR “mesenteric venous thrombosis”[tw] OR “mesenteric venous thromboses”[tw] OR “portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis”[tw] OR “splanchnic”[ti] OR “mesenteric”[ti] OR “portosplenomesenteric”[ti]) OR “vein”[ti] OR “venous”[ti] OR (“abdominal”[ti] AND “imaging”[ti]) OR (“thrombosis”[ti] OR “thromboses”[ti] OR “embolism”[ti] OR “thrombus”[ti] OR “occlusion”[ti]))) AND (“MRDTI”[tw] OR MR- DTI[tw] OR “magnetic resonance direct thrombus imaging”[tw] OR “magnetic resonance”[tw] OR “Magnetic Resonance Imaging”[mesh] OR “Magnetic Resonance Imaging”[tw] OR “MRI”[tw] OR mr imag*[tw] OR “thrombus imaging”[tw]) OR (“Fat”[All Fields] AND “Suppression”[All Fields]) AND (“methods”[All Fields] OR “techniques”[All Fields] OR “methods”[mesh] OR “techniques”[All Fields])). For online supplementary material, please scan this QR code: