Lisette van Dam

Chapter 7 122 Figure 3 . Coronal 3DT1 TSE SPAIR images: A. with a high signal intensity of the left transverse sinus (arrows) in a patient with acute sinus thrombosis (6-15 days old) and B. with high signal intensity in two cortical veins (arrows) in another patient indicative of acute cortical vein thrombosis (6-15 days old). Figure 4. Transversal native contrast thrombus MR images of a patient with left temporal cortical vein thrombosis with venous haemorrhagic infarction: A. T2 weighted image showing a region of increased signal intensity in the cortex and subcortical white matter in the left temporal lobe and B. Susceptibility weighted image showing multiple susceptibility artefacts indicating haemorrhagic transformation in the pathological region with pronounced blooming artefacts within the thrombosed cortical veins (arrow).