Lisette van Dam

Chapter 2 18 Figure 1 . Study flowchart in patients with clinically suspected acute recurrent ipsilateral DVT. The reference CUS in patients with MRDTI negative for DVT was performed within 48 hours and did not influence the treatment decision. Outcomes The primary outcome was the 3-month incidence of recurrent symptomatic VTE in patients with MRDTI negative for DVT. The diagnosis of recurrent DVT during follow-up was defined as incompressibility of a new venous segment or a ≥ 2-4 mm increase in vein diameter of a previous non-compressible venous segment upon CUS. 9 In case of suspected recurrence during the follow-up period investigators were also encouraged to perform a repeat MRDTI. PE was considered to be present if computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) showed at