Mark Wefers Bettink

Chapter 5 100 (Harms et al., 2015b). The recent release of a monitor based on the PpIX-TSLT technique (Ubbink et al., 2016) provides a bedside clinical tool to monitor the deterioration and recovery of mitochondrial function in critically ill patients. Other potential clinical uses of PpIX-TSLT are related to resuscitation and blood transfusion management (Römers et al., 2016). In conclusion, we showed the feasibility to monitor changes in mitochondrial respiration in endotoxemic rats by cutaneous PpIX-TSLT measurements. A decrease in ODR in the presence of preserved or restored mitoPO 2 suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction may be at the basis of the metabolic failure in sepsis, even in the absence of hemodynamic shock. The ability to measure mitochondrial ODR and mitoPO 2 in the clinical setting using bedside monitoring PpIX-TSLT is expected to contribute to a better understanding of mitochondrial dysfunction. In addition, it will allow tomonitor existing therapeutic approaches and develop improved therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring aerobic metabolism and cellular function.