Mark Wefers Bettink

Monitoring mitochondrial respiration 5 101 List of abbreviations ALA: 5-Aminolevulinic acid; LPS: Lipopolysaccharide; LPS-FR: Lipopolysaccharide with fluid resuscitation; LPS-LR: Lipopolysaccharide with late resuscitation; LPS-NR: Lipopolysaccharide without resuscitation; mitoPO2: Mitochondrial oxygen tension; ODR: Oxygen disappearance rate; PpIX: Protoporphyrin IX; PpIX-TSLT: Protoporphyrin IX-triplet state lifetime technique; RDM: Rectangular distribution method. Competing interest Dr. E.G. Mik is founder and shareholder of Photonics Healthcare B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands. Photonics Healthcare B.V. holds the exclusive licenses to several patents regarding this technology, filed and owned by the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam and the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Funding This research is financially supported by a Life Sciences Pre-Seed Grant (grant no. 40- 41300-98-9037) from the Dutch Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW). Acknowledgments The authors thank Jacqueline Voorbeijtel for her expert biotechnical help, and Prof. Robert Jan Stolker for thorough reading of this manuscript.